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The Thornell Road Directory is Online!

PTSA is switching to a new host for our school directory this school year. We will now be using Givebacks, formerly known as Memberhub.  This replaces MembershipToolkit. 


Our school directory can be viewed online. All of your information is secure and only accessible to Thornell Road families. Just like always you choose what information you want to share.


It is VERY helpful if you at least include an email in the directory. You will receive important information and you can customize your settings as to how you do or do not get contacted.


Please help us by completing the following form to help make the launch of our new directory a success. Communication is extremely important, as PTSA we want to make sure we are providing you with important information.

Using the following link, you will be able to sign up for PTSA Communication and optionally provide information for the school directory.


Related Files

School Information

School Hours

Grades K-5:          8:40am   - 3:05pm

Important Phone Numbers

MAIN Office 
Attendance Line 
Nurse's Office 
Guidance Office 



Lunch & Recess

Grade K | Recess at 10:35am, Lunch at 11:00am

Grade 1 | Recess at 11:00am, Lunch at 11:25am
Grade 2 | Recess at 11:25am, Lunch at 11:50am
Grade 3 | Recess at 11:50am, Lunch at 12:15pm
Grade 4 | Recess at 12:15pm, Lunch at 12:40pm
Grade 5 | Recess at 12:40pm, Lunch at 1:05pm

Copyright 2017 Pittsford PTSA. All Rights Reserved.
Address: 431 Thornell Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

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