Thornell Road Elementary School

School Principal: Edward Foote
TRE PTSA Chairs: Shruti Basim and Laurel Gildersleeve
How Do I Volunteer to Help?
Once or twice a year, parent volunteers act as Art Ambassadors by presenting art appreciation lessons in their child's classroom (K-5th Grade). Lessons are hands-on fun and designed to enhance and complement the current art class curriculum.
Lessons include a presentation and art project. The presentation content and all necessary project materials are provided by the PTSA and volunteers will be trained prior to giving the lesson to familiarize them with the material.
No art experience is necessary. Check the TRE Newsletter each week for volunteer opportunities. A volunteer e-form is also sent out about a month prior seeking volunteers. Volunteers can help in their children's's class (1-HOUR) and/or with another class within the same grade, depending on the volunteer's availability.
An Art Ambassador goes into each classroom and within 1-hour, shows a 15-minute PowerPoint presentation and explains the project, by a dedicated Presenter. The remainder of the class time is used for completing the project and having FUN with the kids!
IMPORTANT: Typically 2-weeks prior to the project, "Project Details" and "Volunteer Duties" are explained in a 15-minute meeting of your choice; either during school AND/OR a mutually scheduled time in the evening. Details of the project including photos will be sent out via email (prior to the scheduled event). All projects require set-up and clean up with some additional duties as needed.
IMPORTANT: Volunteers are recruited the month prior to the AA projects and all scheduled dates and times for each Teacher will be provided for review against your schedule.