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Back To School To Do List

Note: Some buttons are only active during the time period applicable to the event/program

Submit family information to school directory and class friendship lists

Our school directory will now be able to be viewed online and with an app on your phone. All of your information is secure and only accessible to Thornell Road families. Just like always you choose what information you want to share. Information from last year is already populated in your account, please correct any information and update teacher assignments for your child(ren).


 *** Click here to create a new account *** 


Mobile Access: You can put the Membership Toolkit app on your phone once you have created your account online. The app will give you access to the directory on smart phone which is so nice! Simply search for Membership Toolkit in your App Store. There is also a school calendar and more great stuff to come!!

It is VERY helpful if you at least include an email in the directory. You will receive important information and you can customize your settings as to how you do or do not get contacted.

Pay PTSA Membership Dues - You are not commiting to volunteer when you pay dues

A paper membership form can be found in the school district calendar if you prefer not to join online .

Subscribe to TRE eNews and the District eNews

You do not need to sign up each year. You will continue receiving messages if you subscribed last year.

Subsribe to Pittsford Central School District urgent text messages

You do not need to sign up each year. You will continue receiving messages if you subscribed last year.

Order TRE Spirit Wear

Sale runs September TBA.

Register and pay for the Welcome Back Picnic

The picnic is on September TBA. Registration deadline is September TBA.

Add funds to Lunch Money Cards

Lunch funds transfer from year to year.

Sign up to volunteer for the Parents on the Playground program

Parents can volunteer to help during recess.

Volunteer for a PTSA Committee

View the list of opportunities and get in touch with the building or committee chairs to learn more.

View and register for After School Enrichment (ASE) programs

Registration starts September TBA at noon and ends September TBA.

Start saving Box Tops for Education

Box tops raise money in support of PTSA programs.

Order school yearbook

Don't wait until it's too late!

View the District PTSA website for important information

The District PTSA site and the School District site are two different sites.

View the School District website for important information

The District PTSA site and the School District site are two different sites.

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School Information

School Hours

Grades K-5:          8:40am   - 3:05pm

Important Phone Numbers

MAIN Office 
Attendance Line 
Nurse's Office 
Guidance Office 



Lunch & Recess

Grade K | Recess at 10:35am, Lunch at 11:00am

Grade 1 | Recess at 11:00am, Lunch at 11:25am
Grade 2 | Recess at 11:25am, Lunch at 11:50am
Grade 3 | Recess at 11:50am, Lunch at 12:15pm
Grade 4 | Recess at 12:15pm, Lunch at 12:40pm
Grade 5 | Recess at 12:40pm, Lunch at 1:05pm

Copyright 2017 Pittsford PTSA. All Rights Reserved.
Address: 431 Thornell Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

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