Thornell Road Elementary School

School Principal: Edward Foote
TRE PTSA Chairs: Shruti Basim and Laurel Gildersleeve
After School Enrichment
The mission of Pittsford PTSA's After School Enrichment Program is to provide safe and supervised after-school educational, enriching and/or recreational programs for school-age children in grades K-5. Building PTSAs choose programs based on their individual demographics, interest level, and parent commitment. The building principal must approve all programs.
Please note: You may encounter issues with credit card denial when registering multiple children for programs with identical costs. To resolve it is best to try using a different card. Waiting a while might also work.
If a program is full when you try to register, use the waitlist form to be put on a waiting list for that program:
Financial Need Statement
Pittsford Central School District strives to make our school environment one in which all children can learn and succeed. If any event, offering, or material serves as a financial hardship or strain on your family, please work directly with your building Principal or School Counselor at any time to secure necessary financial assistance through a confidential conversation.
Let's Play Chess (Grades 1-2)!
$45 + processing fees
9 on Mondays
End Time:
4:05 PM
2/3, 2/10, 2/24, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31, 4/7 (No Class 2/17)
Kids of all ages and skill levels can benefit from chess. In addition to having fun, kids practice analytical and problem-solving skills, learn discipline, concentration, and good sportsmanship. The chess program will provide instructional materials, chess equipment, and qualified instructors. All skill levels will be accommodated, and the class will be divided up according to age and/or ability. The focus of class will be fun.
Grade Level:
Room 105
Class Size:
18 min - 24 max
Rochester Chess Center Instructors
Sarah Mueller & Brittni Cortina
Musical Theatre
$35 + processing fees
4 on Mondays
End Time:
3:50 PM
3/17, 3/24, 3/31, 4/7
This four week club introduces students to the fun of theater! We will focus on theater games to help students feel comfortable and confident with stage presence. Students will be taught vocal warm ups, basic stage and theater terminology, and will be learning short musical theater songs and a dance! Instructor Laura-Jean Diekmann is a professional theater actress. She is a private vocal coach and choreographer, who has choreographed for Pittsford Schools’ musicals, show choirs and for Nazareth University.
Grade Level:
Class Size:
15 min - 25 max
Laura-Jean Diekmann
Sarah Mueller & Brittni Cortina
STEAM Inventors
$65 + processing fees
8 on Tuesdays
End Time:
4:05 PM
2/4, 2/11, 2/25, 3/4, 3/18, 3/25, 4/1, 4/8 (No Class 2/18 or 3/11)
Children explore circuitry, engineering and cricket
anatomy as they make and adopt their own solar-
powered robotic cricket. Hands-on challenges lead
them to consider the lives of real insects as they
create customized habitats complete with cricket
playgrounds, develop cricket-inspired musical
inventions and outsmart predators.
Grade Level:
Room 105
Class Size:
12 min - 24 max
Camp Invention
Amy Ord
Kidding Around Yoga
$120 + processing fees
8 on Tuesdays
End Time:
3:50 PM
2/4, 2/11, 2/25, 3/4, 3/18, 3/25, 4/1, 4/8 (No Class 2/18 or 3/11)
A fun, active and engaging yoga class after school! We’ll develop strength, flexibility, coordination, self-confidence and focus with yoga poses, fun activities, and group work. Balanced with breathing tips, mindfulness work and calm moments. No yoga experience required. Mats are provided; please bring a water bottle each week.
Grade Level:
Class Size:
8 min - 30 max
Kidding Around Yoga
Sarah Mueller & Brittni Cortina
Art Club
$120 + processing fees
5 on Wednesdays
End Time:
4:25 PM
2/5, 2/12, 2/26, 3/5, 3/12 (No Class 2/19)
Get creative with Ms. Mason in TRE's *NEW* Art Club! Come explore different mediums such as clay, sculpture, book making and a variety of crafts. All projects are well thought-out and allow for creativity to shine. Ms. Mason believes it's a lot of fun creating art and she hope to inspire that spirit!
A project will be completed each session. All materials included.
Grade Level:
Art Room
Class Size:
10 min - 15 max
Concetta Mason
Sarah Mueller & Brittni Cortina
Let's Play Chess (Grades 3-5)!
$45 + processing fees
9 on Wednesdays
End Time:
4:05 PM
2/5, 2/12, 2/26, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2, 4/9 (No Class 2/19)
Kids of all ages and skill levels can benefit from chess. In addition to having fun, kids practice analytical and problem-solving skills, learn discipline, concentration, and good sportsmanship. The chess program will provide instructional materials, chess equipment, and qualified instructors. All skill levels will be accommodated, and the class will be divided up according to age and/or ability. The focus of class will be fun.
Grade Level:
Room 105
Class Size:
18 min - 24 max
Certified Rochester Chess Center Instructor
Sarah Mueller & Brittni Cortina
Multicultural Strategic Gaming Club
$10 + processing fees
5 on Fridays
End Time:
4:05 PM
2/28, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 4/4 (No Class 3/28)
Join us to explore Western chess - and learn the history behind the game and its many variations around the world! By the end of the session, children will know how to play chess as its played in other countries around the world!
Grade Level:
Class Size:
15 max
Matt Seidel
Sarah Mueller & Brittni Cortina
Once your child is registered for an ASE program, you will receive an email from the program coordinator. You will be REQUIRED to respond to this email so that we can confirm your child’s registration for the program.
Your child’s enrollment in the ASE program will be communicated to the TRE administrative office by the PTSA. The main office clerical staff will communicate this information to your child’s teacher.
Your child will be expected to attend the program days as scheduled. No daily permission slip will be necessary to attend the ASE program. A note or phone call to the Main Office will ONLY be required when your child is NOT planning to attend the ASE program on a specific day. The Main Office staff will need to know the manner in which your child will be going home that afternoon.
All Programs: The District PTSA requires that at least TWO volunteers be present at every after school enrichment class to ensure the safety of the children. Although paid instructors teach some ASE programs, they are organized and run entirely by parent volunteers. Generally, for the ASE program to function a parent or guardian of all enrolled students will commit to volunteering at least once in the classroom. The number of times you will be called on to volunteer will depend on class size and the number of classes in your session. Please reach out to the TRE After School Enrichment Coordinator or the parent coordinator if you are unable to volunteer.
Please indicate AT LEAST TWO or THREE DATES, that you or another adult on your behalf, can volunteer in the classroom when registering. Schedules for volunteering will be emailed to parents at least 3 days prior to the start of the program. Classes without two adult volunteers may be canceled. Younger siblings are welcome when parents are volunteering.
Please Note:
Credit card information will be taken at the time of registration.
Classes may be canceled if the minimum number of participants is not met.
Online registration will close early when classes are full.
For questions or to be placed on a waiting list please contact: tre@pittsfordptsa.net