Park Road Elementary School
School Principal: Lindsay Ali | PRE PTSA Co-Chairs: Krissy Jones and OPEN
Science Action
Science Action
Science Action is a supplemental science program run by the PTSA and implemented by parent volunteers. Volunteering for Science Action is a wonderful opportunity to interact with children and other parents while teaching a lesson in the classroom. The program begins in kindergarten and runs through 2nd grade. Lessons are offered twice a year, per grade, and spaced out over the school year to integrate with the classroom curriculum. Topics such as senses, weather, buoyancy, and magnetism are covered. Lab dates will be circulated throughout the school year.
Volunteers Needed
The time commitment for each lesson is small. Volunteers are sent the lab ahead of time to make sure they know their responsibilities. Volunteers then spend approximately 1-2 hours in the classroom presenting the lesson to small groups of students.
A Science Action volunteer may work at one or both lessons throughout the year.
Note: Once lab dates are determined by the teacher (approximately one month prior to the lab), the Science Action coordinator will solicit volunteers via the room parents.