Jefferson Road Elementary School
School Principal: Stephanie Barg | JRE PTSA Co-Chairs: Kara Cannarozzo & Megan Williams
Back-To School To-Do List
NOTE: Some buttons are only active during the time period applicable to the event program
Submit family information to school directory
Deadline to submit information for the school directory is September TBA. For returning families, a link will be emailed to you to update information. You must update your information each year.
Pay PTSA Membership Dues
You are not committing to volunteer when you pay your membership dues. If you prefer not to join online, a paper membership form can be found in the school district calendar or the information you receive in August with class assignments.
Subscribe to JRE eNews and District eNews
The best way to stay up to date on news and events is by signing up for eNews. Your DO NOT need to sign up each year. You will continue receiving messages if you subscribed previously.
Subscribe to Pittsford Central School District urgent text messages
You do not need to sign up each year. You will continue receiving messages if you subscribed previously.
Register and pay for the Welcome Back Picnic
The Welcome Back Picnic will be held on Thursday, Sept. 29. Information will be sent home via backpack mail, Infinite Campus and eNews.
Add funds to your child’s MySchoolBucks account for lunch
You can add funds online to your child’s account and even set up automatic payments. Lunch funds transfer from year to year.
Order JRE Spirit Wear
Show your school spirit with some JRE Spirit Wear. Information about orders will be coming out in early fall.
View the District PTSA website for important information
The District PTSA website and the School District website are two different sites, but each has important information worth reviewing.
View the School District website for important information
The District PTSA website and the School District website are two different sites, but each has important information worth reviewing.
Volunteer for a PTSA Committee
We are always looking for volunteers. View the list of opportunities and get in touch with the building or committee chairs to learn more.