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Back To School To Do's

Note: Some buttons will only be active during the time period applicable to the event/program

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Visit the FAQ Page

Newcomers and returning families will find helpful information in the CRMS FAQs.

Submit family information to school directory

Returning families: a link will be emailed to you to update information. Deadline: September 15, 2022.

Complete the CRMS permission slip for Fun Nights and other PTSA events

Bookmark the link to complete the permission and payment form for each Fun Night and other PTSA-sponsored events your student attends while at CRMS.

Pay PTSA Membership Dues - You are not committing to volunteer when you pay dues

Newcomers and returning families will find helpful information in the CRMS FAQs.

Subscribe to CRMS eNews, the MidKnight Express and District eNews

You do not need to sign up each year. You will continue receiving messages if you subscribed last year.

Order CRMS Spirit Wear

Ongoing througout the year

Add funds to My School Bucks lunch money cards

Note that lunch funds transfer from school year to school year.

Volunteer for a PTSA Committee

View the list of opportunities and get in touch with the building or committee chairs to learn more.

Order school yearbook

Don't wait until it's too late!

View the District PTSA website for important information

Note that the District PTSA website and the Pittsford Schools website are two different websites.

View the School District website for important information

Note that the District PTSA website and the Pittsford Schools website are two different websites.

Copyright 2017 Pittsford PTSA. All Rights Reserved.
Address: 1899 Calkins Road, Pittsford, NY 14534

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